Thursday, May 30, 2013

Knocking Off His Abominable Acts

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No one ever thought that attractive ham actor HA is a “kiss and tell” type of a guy – what a let down!

For quite a time, HA was quietly dating pretty star PS regularly. Most people believe they were really into a relationship which they keep denying for a long time. PS is sugar and sweet kind of girl – qualities that guys like HA often tend to abuse. Allegedly, HA took it upon himself that he could take advantage of PS big crush on him.

The gullible PS took the bait, and not long after, the two were secretly dating…until now. Allegedly, it is PS who goes to HA’s place at least once a week to do their thing. Everything would have looked okay and natural – but not when the other half squeals about things that should have been private.

Reportedly, HA goes telling his friends and peers in detail how wild PS is in the bedroom, and everything intimate that goes in there. HA even badmouths the young-looking PS saying obscenities about her “privates.” What can be more cruel that that?

If this is true, is HA’s heart really made of hard stone? He has to remember that acts like this can easily boomerang on him fast. On the other hand, how can he do these things with impunity when he is committed to someone else?

Let us wish AH can get his act together – literally and figuratively. As for PS, you are matured enough to know. You don’t jump into the fire and not get burned, do you?

“Smart girls open their minds, easy girls open their legs, and foolish girls open their hearts.” ~ The Notebook of Love

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Knocking Off His Abominable Acts

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